A Better Tomorrow Starts With
Silver Lining Recovery Homes
Supporting individuals who are building a better life
Silver Lining Recovery Homes are abstinent-based sober living environments dedicated to fostering a healthy and secure transition for individuals seeking a successful and self-directed life in recovery from substances.
The only requirements to be eligible to live in the home are at least 30 days clean and sober from substances (must be able to pass a UA) and the motivation to continue the recovery journey while participating in a structured, self-directed recovery plan.
Residents pay an affordable monthly fee that includes all utilities and house supplies. There may be scholarships available for the first month’s fees depending on need and availability.
Community Support Matters
Silver Lining is the first recovery home in Montezuma County and is possible because of these charitable partners. If you would like to donate or participate in this project that is helping our community, please reach out to Charlee or Adam.
For questions, an application, or donations please reach out to Charlee Sharp or Adam Herman
(970) 676-4255